To do this, you can use a file server, a SYSVOL folder on the domain controllers or a DFS folder. This image file can be pre-copied to all computers, but it is more convenient if the clients take the jpeg file automatically from the shared network folder. In this case, the background image will be centered on the screen and displayed in fill mode. For example, if the minimum monitor resolution is 1280 x 1024, this is the wallpaper image resolution you need to use. If the company uses monitors of various formats, you need to select the smallest monitor resolution and use this resolution for the wallpaper image. We’ll need an image file you want to use as a desktop wallpaper.

As a rule, it is important for large businesses that require all employees using the same corporate desktop background image on all computers. Let’s consider how to deploy the same desktop background image (wallpaper) on all Windows workstations in the Active Directory domain using Group Policies.